
Key figures


In millions of euros 20242023
Growth at current exchange rates vs. n-113.0%15.7%
Growth at constant exchange rates vs. n-1(1)14.7%20.6%
Recurring operating income(2)6,1505,650
As a % of revenue40.5%42.1%
Operating income6,1505,650
As a % of revenue40.5%42.1%
Net profit – Group share4,6034,311
As a % of revenue30.3%32.1%
Operating cash flows5,3785,123
Operating investments1,067859
Adjusted free cash flows(3)3,7673,192
Equity – Group share17,32715,201
Net cash position(4)11,64210,625
Restated net cash position(5)12,03911,164
Workforce (number of employees)(6)25,18522,879


(1) Growth at constant exchange rates is calculated by applying the average exchange rates of the previous period to the current period’s revenue, for each currency.
(2) Recurring operating income is one of the main performance indicators monitored by the group’s General Management. It corresponds to the operating income excluding non-recurring items having a significant impact likely to affect the understanding of the group’s economic performance.
(3) Adjusted free cash flow corresponds to the sum of operating cash flows and change in working capital requirement, less operating investments and repayment of lease liabilities, as per IFRS cash flow statement.
(4) The net cash position includes cash and cash equivalents on the asset side of the balance sheet, less bank overdrafts presented within the short-term borrowings and financial liabilities on the liability side of the balance sheet. It does not include lease liabilities recognised in accordance with IFRS 16.
(5) The restated net cash position corresponds to the net cash position, plus cash investments that do not meet IFRS criteria for cash equivalents as a result of their original maturity of more than three months, minus borrowings and financial liabilities.
(6) The headcount relates to employees on permanent contracts and those on fixed-term contracts with no seniority requirement (22,037 published at the end of December 2023, excluding fixed-term contracts of less than 9 months prior to the change in CSRD methodology).



  • 15,170

    M€ revenue

  • 40.5%

    Recurring operating profitability

  • 1,067

    M€ of operating investments

  • 3,767

    M€ of adjusted free cash flow

  • 12,039

    M€ of restated net cash position

2023 Universal Registration Document