Florian Craen

Florian Craen

Executive Vice-President Sales and Distribution

Born in 1970, Florian Craen is a graduate of the Paris École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur and Harvard Business School (AMP).

He joined Hermès International in 1997 as European director of Hermès Travel Retail. He was then successively appointed international director of travel retail (2001), managing director of the UK subsidiary in London (2006), then of the North Asia zone in Shanghai (2009).

Since September 2013 Florian Craen has been executive vice-president of Sales and Distribution for Hermès International and member of the executive committee.

The Executive Committee

Hermès International’s executive management is comprised of the Executive Chairmen and the Executive Committee, which consists of Managing Directors, each of whom has well-defined areas of responsibility. Its role is to oversee the Group’s strategic management.