Frequently asked questions
1. What is the minimum number of shares required to become a shareholder ?
One share is enough.
2. How to become a registered shareholder ?
Shares should be registered in the securities accounts held by:
Services aux émetteurs
90 – 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : 0826 10 91 19
From abroad: +33 1 55 77 40 57Fully registered shares are managed directly by Uptevia. Opening a fully registered securities account requires the signing of an account opening agreement, which specifies the conditions of the buying and selling service provided by Uptevia. Custody fees are covered by the company.
Managed registered shares are managed by another financial institution that may apply custody fees.
Shareholders who choose this management method automatically receive the Shareholders' Newsletter, the general meeting invitation, and a form to request the annual report. They may also benefit, under certain conditions, from a buying and selling service with Uptevia.
3. Is there a Hermès shareholders club ?
4. How can you determine if you hold a bearer account, a fully registered account, or an administered registered account ?
For a registered account, you should make the request to :
Services aux émetteurs
90 – 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : 0826 10 91 19
From abroad: +33 1 55 77 40 575. What is the difference between a bearer account, a fully registered account, and an administered registered account ?
When shares are bearer shares, the account holder is a financial intermediary (bank or brokerage firm). This intermediary is the only one who knows the identity of the individual shareholder, so HERMES INTERNATIONAL does not know the names of the holders of these shares.
When shares are registered, the account holder is the company itself or an agent appointed by the issuing company to manage the registered accounts. For HERMÈS INTERNATIONAL, it is Uptevia.
Services aux émetteurs
90 – 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : 0826 10 91 19
From abroad: +33 1 55 77 40 57HERMES INTERNATIONAL knows the names of the registered shareholders. They can either manage their own shares themselves, in which case they are classified as pure registered shareholders, or they can entrust the management of their account to the intermediary (bank or similar institution) of their choice, in which case they are classified as administered registered shareholders.
6. What is the stock code for Hermès International ?
7. How can you be informed about the holding of a General Meeting ?
The date of the meeting is announced in the press.
To be summoned, you need to register your shares as registered shares:
Services aux émetteurs
90 – 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : 0826 10 91 19
From abroad: +33 1 55 77 40 57Form for requesting the registration of shares as pure registered shares.
8. How can I receive the invitation by email ?
9. How to attend the General Meeting as a bearer shareholder ?
Any shareholder or shareholder representative has the right to attend the meeting and participate in the discussions, regardless of the number of their shares. However, only those shareholders who have justified their status by registering their shares in their name (or in the name of the intermediary registered on their behalf if they do not reside in France) by midnight (Paris time) on the third business day before the General Meeting will be admitted to attend, be represented, or vote by mail:
- in the registered share accounts kept by the company's agent, Uptevia,
- or in the bearer share accounts kept by the financial intermediary where their shares are registered.
Shareholders can choose one of the following three options to participate in the General Meeting:
- attend the meeting in person;
- vote by mail or be represented by giving a proxy to the chairman of the meeting or to an appointed representative;
- vote or be represented online by giving a proxy to the chairman of the meeting or to an appointed representative.
10. How to obtain an admission card to the General Meeting ?
To facilitate shareholders' access to the general meeting, they are asked to bring an admission card that they will receive by mail or can download before the meeting, by proceeding as follows:
- If they have not chosen e-convocation, registered shareholders automatically receive the participation form by mail, attached to the notice of meeting, to be completed and returned using the enclosed prepaid envelope. Any registered shareholder can also now obtain their admission card online by visiting the GISproxy website and using their access code as explained in the "Internet Voting" section below.
- Bearer shareholders must request a certificate from their financial intermediary, proving their status as a shareholder on the date of the request. The intermediary will then send this certificate to Uptevia, which will send an admission card to the shareholder.
If the shareholder has not received their admission card by the third business day before the general meeting, they should request a participation certificate from their account-holding institution for bearer shareholders or go directly to the general meeting for registered shareholders.
On the day of the meeting, all shareholders must prove their status and identity during the registration process.
11. Who to contact if you have any questions ?
Services aux émetteurs
90 – 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : 0826 10 91 19
From abroad: +33 1 55 77 40 5712. How to vote at the General Meeting ?
Shareholders can choose one of the following three options to participate in the General Meeting:
- attend the meeting in person;
- vote by mail or be represented by giving a proxy to the chairman of the meeting or to an appointed representative;
- vote or be represented online by giving a proxy to the chairman of the meeting or to an appointed representative.
A shareholder who cannot be present at the General Meeting can vote by mail or online, either by casting their vote or by giving a proxy to the chairman of the meeting or to any other appointed representative.
Vote by Mail
For registered shareholders, the participation form to be completed is automatically attached to the notice of meeting.
For bearer shareholders, any request must be sent to their account-holding institution, which will transmit the participation form along with a participation certificate to Uptevia. Any request for a participation form must be received no later than the date indicated on the form for each meeting.
13. How to vote at the General Meeting online ?
Shareholders have the option to vote online prior to the general meeting, via the VOTACCESS platform, under the following conditions:
Registered Shareholders
If you are a fully registered shareholder, you can log in to the Planetshare website www.uptevia.com ("Access my space"), using the identification number and password that have been communicated to you. On the homepage, click on "PARTICIPATE IN VOTING" which will direct you to the "VOTACCESS" platform and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you are an administered registered shareholder, you can retrieve your password on the Planetshare website www.uptevia.com, using the identification number found at the top right of the postal or proxy voting form sent with the meeting notice.
Bearer Shareholders
You must contact your account-holding institution. Only bearer shareholders whose account-holding institution has joined the "VOTACCESS" system and offers this service for this meeting will be able to access it.
If you wish to vote online, you must log in to the website of your account-holding institution, using your usual access codes, then access the "BOURSE" portal and finally the "VOTACCESS" service.
Access to the "VOTACCESS" platform through the website of your account-holding institution may be subject to specific terms and conditions defined by that institution. Therefore, if you are interested in this service, you are invited to contact your account-holding institution to learn about these terms.
Please note that:
Any shareholder who has already cast their vote, requested an admission card, or requested a participation certificate (Article R.225-85 of the Commercial Code):
- cannot choose another mode of participation;
- can still sell all or part of their shares.
14. Since when do you need to hold the shares to receive the dividend decided on the day of the General Meeting ?
No later than the day before the record date.
15. What is the amount of the most recent dividend ?
For the fiscal year 2023:
Ordinary dividend: €15.00 per share
16. What is the payment date of the most recent dividend ?
For the fiscal year 2023:
Interim dividend: €3.50 per share on February 15, 2024
Final dividend: €11.50 per share on May 6, 2024
17. What is the dividend history for the past five years ?
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Ordinary dividend €15.00 €13.00 €8.00 €4.55 €4.55 Exceptional dividend
€10.00 18. How to obtain the paper version of the reference document / Annual Report ?
- By mail :
Hermès International
Mrs Carole Dupont-Pietri
13-15 rue de la Ville l’Evêque
75008 Paris
France- By email : contact.finance@hermes.com